Be the Match

Our official charity partner, Be the Match, a part of the National Marrow Donor Program, advocates to find and match patients with blood disorders to compatible donors.

For South Asian patients specifically, there is only a 38% chance that they will find a match on the registry. By partnering with Be the Match, Single to Shaadi aims to bring visibility and potential donors to our fellow brothers and sisters in need.

I personally first heard of the organization when I was in undergrad. My sorority’s philanthropy is “cancer awareness” and we partnered with Be The Match to register South Asians on campus as part of a service project.

Fast forward to 2020, I read the heart breaking story of Liyna Anwar, a podcast producer who had some big South Asian names advocating on her behalf, yet still could not find a donor match, and sadly, passed away.

The power to ensure this doesn’t happen to another young life, lives within you. I encourage you to explore more about Be the Match and register as a donor today.